I honestly don't know if I'm saying "One Week!" in an excited, happy way, or in a panicked, terrified way. It's both and neither and definitely loaded with a ton of tumultuous emotion.
At once I'm feeling very ready to go home, but also like there are still vast amounts of abroad-related things that I haven't done yet. Ben Nevis was simultaneously and beautiful beautiful capstone to my adventures, and a reminder of how wonderful exploration is. As in, I want more of it. But I'm tired. But I know I won't have these opportunities again. At least, never the same way.
We had a lovely gluten-free birthday dinner for me at a friend's apartment a couple of nights ago. The food and the ambiance and the company were delightful, and made me realize that going home won't just be a question of fitting back into life in the states, but leaving a life behind here. Even my room here, which I've claimed no attachment too, feels just a little bit cozy and a little bit bittersweet now.
Plus, I've got finals! That's just downright stressful. No idea what to expect or how to study, so the catch-all answer? Study my butt off, of course! That always seems to be the answer. And it's never a pleasant one.
Anyway that's a little window into my brain at the moment. We are planning a picnic in the botanic gardens today, and tomorrow they are having a "Highland Games" tournament south of Glasgow. They throw logs! It's going to be awesome.
Okay, off I go. Pooh quote: "There are twelve pots of honey in my cupboard and they've been calling me for hours. I couldn't hear them properly before because Rabbit would keep talking, but if nobody says anything except those twelve pots, then I shall know where they're coming from."
Much love,
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