Tuesday, January 4, 2011

5 hours to go!

Hey everyone!

So I'm leaving in about 5 hours and I think I might be officially packed at this point (I may have gone totally-not-last-minute shopping this morning to try to find winter boots to bring, but I'm not counting that). Here is the proof of my awesome packing skills:

My life, packed into three bags.
Also, important note! I would like to introduce you to Kip, who is featured standing on the handle of my big bag. He is my little traveling companion, so that instead of taking boring pictures of, say, the Eiffel Tower, I can take a much-more-awesomer picture of Kip + the Eiffel Tower!  Coolest thing ever, NOT sad. Here is Kip's close up:
Kip, playing coy with the camera.

Why a polar bear cub, you ask? 1) Bobo's mascot, of course! 2) Adorable. 3) Perfectly fits my travel qualifications: little, hardy, water proof, matches everything. Oh, and why "Kip"? Because it's an adorable name for an adorable cub, and because "Kip" means "Peak" in Scottish (Factoid of the day). They have like eight thousand words describing various parts of a mountain, by the by.

Also: my Skype address is Skysong44. Use it, damnit! And become followers! Whatever that is. It makes me sad that I currently have exactly 2.

So! That's that for today. Will check in once I get into my room- wish me luck! Oh, and Kerry wanted me to include this picture, as reciprocation for my unasked picture of her. Much love! -Erin
Me, caught dancing with Sinead. Incidentally, that's my blog in the background.

Oh! And Winnie the Pooh Quote: "Before beginning a Hunt, it is wise to ask someone what you are looking for before you begin looking for it."


  1. did you end up drawing a smile on kip (who is very cute)?

  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eTK9x4baQY8&feature=related

  3. the house is crazy empty without you! stop calling mom and dad call me i want to hear everything. seriously, i've checked your blog like five times today alone.
